List your hotel,


5% booking fee until July 1st 2023*


What we offer


Sync your iCalender

Sync your bookings with ease using iCalender. Hoever you have the option to change your prices in advanced.


Host Protection Insurance

Protection against liability claims from guests and neighbours up to £1,000,000 for every reservation.


5% Booking Fee*

We aim to be the best on the market for when it comes to fees. At Owl Bookings, we want you as a host to make the most when it comes to maximum profits. This will last until July 1st 2023, and from then we will review the fee percentage. However we are also in the works of creating the option so hosts can pay 6-month or annual fee or custom for large companies.


Your peace of mind is our number one priority

Manage your bookings, Enquiry and Reviews

House rules

Set house rules guests must agree before they stay

Damage deposits

Request damage deposits for extra security

Advanced changes

With us you can change the price of your property in advance, and have the option to sync up your calander with iCalander

How do I start?

1. Create your account
This will take less than 5 minutes of your time
2. Create your listing
Registration is free and can take as little as 15 minutes to complete.
3. Get Paid
You have the option for guests to pay immediatly or when they arrive at your property. Then you can withdraw at any time.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can i share my home on Rent?

    Yes. At times we may have to call you just to verify the location to enure safety for guests.

  • What are the fees?

    Currently the fees are set at 5% and will stay until 1st July 2023. There are no hidden fees.

  • How long does listing verification take?

    We want to ensure you as a host can be up and running as soon as possible. We aim to verify your listing within a couple of hours. In some cases it may take up to 24 hours. We will get in contact with you if we require extra verification to ensure safety of the guests.

  • How should i price my listing on Rent?

    That is totally up to you as a host. However we recommend researching what other hosts are in the area and also what event is happening at that time or the time of the year.

  • How do Rent payments work?

    Once the guest has completed the transaction, it will show in your account how much balance you have available. You can withdraw that payment via PayPal or Bank transfer. And usually takes 2-3 working days.

  • Does Rent provide any insurance for hosts?

    Owl Bookings has a £1,000,000 public liablity insurance cover. 



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Have More Questions?

Contact us at [email protected]